Sunday, October 21, 2007

Time to take charge of how much my Natie has grown. She has learnt how to make the different animal sounds for the various animals (e.g. cow, goat, sheep, cat, dog, horse). She can now speak quite a lot of words and knows the different parts of her body (E.g. Neck, Thumb, Fingers, Toes, etc) . Lately the dear grandparents taught her how to kill cockroach (by stamping her feet) *faint*. She finds these 2 words the most useful "Gai Gai" and "There!" (To direct people to bring her to the place she wants). Nowadays Mummy tries to teach her songs by singing to her (in not the best of voice). Think her favourite song is now "Incy Wincy Spider". That one...Mummy played the song to her through this "Wheels on the Bus" series (Courtesy of Auntie Cecilia)...woah man...she loves it and can sit through 15 mins of the show! Looks like Mummy will go buy more of the DVDs for her to watch!

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