Finally! We get to go overseas! So excited! Even thought it's just a short trip to Bintan (a 1 hr ferry ride)...we are really thrilled, esp Daddy (it's family trip together with ma3-ma3, yeye, uncle louis, auntie cecilia and cousin celeste/lucas.)
Ferry Ride: The trip to Bintan was so bumpy that all of us felt nauseous. Daddy was a hero...he tried to fill the white cards for 5 of us (including ma3-ma3 and yeye) during the ferry ride and ended up wanting to puke...Natie also felt terrible and cried but in the end, we soothe her to sleep.
Bintan Resort: A breath of fresh air! Our room oversee the sea...wonderful view!

Food: Poor Natie...gotta bear with the instant cereal and instant brown porridge. We were quite sure that she will gulp down the porridge (in big amts) prepared by gong-gong when she reached home the tomorrow. Think she is a picky eater now...she spits out the tasteless watermelon at the resort restaurant...oh god! Food at the hotel was sure expensive. $15 for a plate of chicken rice (yes...they charge Singapore dollars). Thank god, Uncle Louis got lobang to get cheap and good food at the Bintan town. The trip out to the town was definitely like a thrill ride. The roads had no streetlamps and the driver was driving like a formula one driver...Daddy was a bit scared sitting at the front seat...hiak hiak hiak
Natalie's First Swim - Oh yes...mummy specially bot a thermal wetsuit for her first swim (got it from Auntie Ivy...). Somehow Natie doesn't like the float and very much prefers swimming F&E in the pool...keke...hai...looks like we have to keep the float for now...till she's older.
Ferry ride back: alamak...natie did her "big business"...it was a challenge changing her diaper in a small toilet cubicle but hey! we did it! *so proud* =p
It was truly a memorable trip but hor, we have to rethink about our Aussie trip at the end of the year. Mummy shudder when she thinks about the logistics involved....keke